TERMS AND CONDITIONS – Defender Camping Ltd
Glossary of Terms
Hirer – person(s) responsible for booking/paying for a vehicle and/or persons travelling in a vehicle. The Hirer accepts responsibility for every person in their party.
Yorkshire Vehicle Hire – the owner, or representative of the owner, of the vehicle booked.
Quotation – the form submitted to the potential Hirer outlining the itinerary and services offered, and the price of the services.
1. Booking Deposit & Payment Terms
A deposit is payable at the time of booking. The deposit secures a vehicle for your requested dates and is deducted from the overall charges. Before paying the deposit you must ensure that you have read, understood, and accept the terms and conditions of this Hire Agreement and our Insurance. If you subsequently fail to satisfy any of these terms and conditions you may forfeit the booking deposit and may be liable for other fees.
The balance of the cost of your hire is payable a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the start of the hire period. If you are booking within 4 weeks of the start of the hire period, full payment is due at the time of booking.
Payment of Hire Charges: You understand and agree that we do not accept full payment by cash and that all hires must be paid by credit/debit card, in part or full. Pre-paid credit cards are not accepted. The credit/debit card presented must always be in the name of the main driver.
Prices quoted are payable in UK pounds sterling, net of any currency variances and bank charges.
2. Charges
You must pay the agreed hire charge and any other charges incurred during the hire period according to this Agreement, including:
the cost of any damage or loss to the vehicle or its equipment which was not noted on our pre-hire inspection and which is not covered by our insurance;
any other uninsured damage to, or loss of, the vehicle, the keys or its equipment;
excess mileage (150 miles per day included - £0.35 per mile thereafter) at the rates shown in this Agreement;
the insurance excess (in the event of an insurance claim);
all parking fines, traffic violations and other charges incurred (we may charge an administration fee if we have to handle these on your behalf);
charges demanded lawfully by a third party as a result of the vehicle being parked or left upon land which is not a public road.
If necessary you consent to us notifying any authorities, organisations or enforcement agencies of your or any driver details, to effect a transfer of liability.
3. Security Deposit
You must lodge a £1000 Security Deposit with us to cover:
any damage, costs or losses (whether negligent, wilful, accidental or otherwise) not covered by our insurance;
any additional charges, costs or losses you incur or are liable for whilst using the vehicle (e.g. the insurance excess, excess mileage, additional cleaning charges, fuel etc).
The Security Deposit is refundable on safe return of the vehicle in the condition in which it left us (including all equipment).
Should there be any damage or requirement for any repair or replacement (or other reasonable costs) the costs will be deducted from the Security Deposit before the balance is returned to you. By signing this agreement you agree to pay all charges upon request and authorise us to deduct from the Security Deposit any amounts due. We reserve the right to retain the Security Deposit for such period as is necessary to quantify the charges incurred before deducting them from the Security Deposit.
Where the Security Deposit is insufficient to cover our uninsured or other additional costs, charges and losses, you must pay any additional amounts due.
If we require you to pay for any damage or loss we will always itemise and detail any charges incurred and allow you reasonable time to review them.
4. Hire period & mileage
You have agreed to hire the vehicle for the period shown in this Agreement. If you do not return the vehicle on time to the agreed return location you will be charged for every additional day or part-day.
Please note that unless agreed with us, unused hire days (or early returns) are non-refundable. You get 150 miles per day included (averaged across your trip) excess mileage charged at £0.35p per mile
5. Drivers
You confirm that you:
are over 25 and under 75 years of age;
are legally permitted to drive and have not been advised on medical grounds to not drive;
have held a full valid United Kingdom or EU licence for two years or more;
are not engaged wholly or partly in professional entertainment;
are not a professional sports person, jockey or connected with racing of any sort;
have NOT been convicted of a motoring offence (of any nature) leading to your licence being endorsed, suspended or more than 6 penalty points imposed*;
have NOT had motor insurance cancelled, declined, a renewal refused or special terms imposed;
have not, whilst driving, been involved in more than one motor accident during the past 3 years (whether you were at fault or not).
6. Additional Drivers
Where you request to add an Additional Driver to the Hire Agreement we will decide whether or not we agree to adding that Additional Driver. You agree to pay any additional fees for us doing this as specified on our website or as notified to you.
7. Collecting the vehicle
When you collect the vehicle you must complete:
a pre-hire inspection with us (this will include fixed equipment e.g. roof rack, roof tent, awning etc and the vehicle inventory e.g. table, chairs, stove, cutlery etc);
a short ‘get to know the vehicle’ session so you are familiar with everything (you must allow 60 minutes for this).
8. Returning the vehicle
When you return the vehicle you must:
notify us if for any reason you can not return the vehicle at the agreed time (you will not be covered on our insurance beyond any agreed return time);
ensure it is reasonably clean (our prices include standard valet upon vehicle return and additional cleaning charges may apply if return condition is poor);
hand the keys back to us personally (unless otherwise agreed in writing);
complete a post-hire inspection with us;
ensure it has a full tank of fuel (or pay our refuelling charges).
If you return the vehicle outside of business hours you remain responsible for the vehicle and its equipment until a post-hire inspection is completed (which will be no more than 24 hours after you return the vehicle).
Some damage may not be apparent at the post-hire inspection, such as mechanical damage (for example in areas such as the engine, fuel tank or clutch) or damage may be hidden by adverse light or weather conditions. If we find any damage after you have returned the vehicle we will notify you as soon as we can.
9. Fuel
The vehicle will be supplied with a full tank of fuel and should be returned to us with a full tank of fuel. If you return it to us without a full tank of fuel, you will be liable to pay us for the fuel required to fill up the vehicle at our local garage, plus a fee of £10.
10. Driving and using the vehicle
You must not:
use the vehicle for hire, reward or driver training;
carry more passengers than the vehicle has seatbelts;
fit any additional equipment to the vehicle including racks or tow bar accessories unless agreed with us in advance;
apply any livery, branding, transfers or marks or paintwork to the vehicle;
drive the vehicle outside mainland England, Scotland and Wales, unless we have given you written permission.
You must:
use the vehicle within the limits of the law;
accept our right to refuse to hire a vehicle to any driver without providing a reason for our refusal.
This Agreement will be governed by the laws of England.
11. Low-level objects
Our vehicles are equipped with roof racks, roof tents, tyres and other modifications that significantly increase the height of a standard vehicle.
You must note the vehicle height and be aware that the vehicles’ approach or departure angle may increase this height.
You are responsible for any damage to the vehicle caused by hitting any low-level object such as car park height barriers, bridges and low branches.
12. Children
you are legally responsible for obtaining and using a child or baby seat. The fitting of any such equipment is your responsibility and we can accept no liability whatsoever;
you must use your discretion regarding children using any ladders, foot holds, roof racks or roof tents on the vehicle. We strongly recommend that children are supervised at all times;
you must not allow children to climb over the vehicle bonnets, wings or other bodywork.
13. Animals
You can only carry animals in the vehicle with our written permission and, if given:
Dogs must be suitably restrained to adhere with the Highway Code, so this will be with use of a seatbelt restraint, cage or dog guard. Failure to restrain a dog while travelling can result in a fine of up to £5000, and will invalidate the insurance.
We only allow dogs in our Defender 110s as there is a back seat which provides space for a dog hammock. We find that with luggage & gear in the back of the 90 leaves too little space for a dog cage.
Dogs are not permitted in the front of our Land Rovers.
you must protect the vehicle interior from damage or soiling;
you must not allow animals in the roof tent;
you understand that animal damage to the interior of the vehicle, roof tent or other equipment is not covered on our insurance.
Please bring your pup’s bedding to make them comfy and please be mindful if they are fond of chewing or scratching, as any damage incurred will be chargeable.
14. Securing loads and towing
You may only use the vehicle for towing, or for carrying bicycles, with our written permission and, if given:
you must use legal and safe equipment;
you must not load the vehicle beyond the weight or towing recommendations shown in this Agreement;
you must ensure that any load or goods carried inside or on the vehicle, and any towed trailer and its contents, is secured safely;
you understand that loads carried in or on any towing equipment or bike rack are not covered by our insurance
15. Roof and ground tents
If your vehicle is equipped with a roof or ground tent: if you experience lightning, for safety, you must exit the roof or ground tent (and remove the metal ladder to the roof tent) and shelter in the vehicle; ensure that you close and secure the roof tent before driving; smoking, vaping or naked flames are not allowed in the roof tent, ground tent or awning.
16. Cooking
You must only use the cooking equipment supplied with the vehicle if you are confident and competent in their use and: you must NEVER use the cooking equipment inside the vehicle, roof tent, ground tent or an enclosed awning; if you decide to cook under cover of any kind you must ensure: there is adequate ventilation, head height and distance to the vehicle and accessories; you are alert to the risk of fire and the possible build-up of carbon dioxide (or worse, carbon monoxide); use the stove windshield to limit the risk of flare-ups; you must ensure that you have easy access to the fire extinguisher/blanket supplied with your vehicle.
17. Driving surfaces and ‘off-road’ driving
If the vehicle is to be driven on unsealed or unsurfaced roads, byways, ‘green lanes’ or unclassified roads at any point during your hire:
you must notify us in advance if you expect to use any of these road types extensively, and we must agree in writing to you doing so;
you must only do so under conditions and in an environment appropriate to your experience and skill level;
you must only do so under conditions, and in a manner, that are non-damaging to the vehicle;
you understand that doing so is at your own risk.
IMPORTANT: many unsealed or unsurfaced roads, byways, and unclassified roads are legally classed as roads and therefore The Highway Code, road safety and vehicle rules, and Driving Law and other relevant Legal Obligations apply.
You must not drive the vehicle off legal roads unless we have agreed that you may do so in writing in advance of your booking:
under all circumstances you understand that our insurance does not cover damage or loss of any kind whilst driving ‘off road’ (i.e. not on a legal highway);
if you drive ‘off road’ intentionally or unintentionally you indemnify us of any consequence of any kind and you agree that any damage or excess wear and tear to the vehicle, any injury to any party, or loss of any kind, or any resulting legal action is your responsibility
It is illegal to drive a motor vehicle on, common land, moorland, Forestry Commission land or any land that is not forming part of a road without authorisation.
Please be aware that our vehicles may be equipped with tracker devices that live track and record their movements.
18. Care of the vehicle and equipment
You must:
treat the vehicle and its equipment with care and respect;
take all reasonable steps to maintain the vehicle;
contact us if you become aware of a fault;
notify us of any damage caused to the vehicle;
not let anyone work on the vehicle without our permission;
protect the vehicle and its equipment against weather or other environmental conditions which might cause damage (e.g. wind damage resulting from the awning being deployed, or leaving the vehicle windows open when it rains);
not allow smoking or vaping in the vehicle, roof tent, awning or any ground tents we hire to you;
seek our guidance if you are uncertain about the use of any part of the vehicle or its equipment.
19. Security of the vehicle
You must:
lock the vehicle when you are not using it;
take the keys out of the ignition when you are not in the vehicle and keep them with you;
use any security device provided;
do not leave vehicle equipment, accessories or your own belongings on display;
ensure that the vehicle equipment and accessories are secure.
To maintain and protect the vehicle we may fit and use electronic devices to monitor its condition, performance and operation and/or to live track its movements. This data may be used both during and after termination of the hire period. A condition of hire is that you consent to the use of such devices, and to the collation, storing and use of the information arising from them.
20. Our insurance
Our hire charges include the provision of vehicle insurance provided to us by Alan Boswell. We will have provided you with full details of our insurance policy separately. Please ask us if you have any questions regarding the extent of the cover provided.
By signing this Agreement you confirm that you have read, understood, and are accepting the Conditions of our insurance.
Please note that although termed ‘comprehensive’ our insurance does NOT give you complete cover, for example:
one amount for which you are not covered is called the “excess” (shown at the front of this Agreement);
you are responsible for all costs incurred through your own negligence;
your own property is not covered by our insurance.
You may decide to take out separate insurance to cover aspects of your hire that are not covered by our insurance.
You may find that your own car insurance policy or, if you pay for your hire by credit card, your card issuer, offer some elements of car hire cover. We strongly advise you to check carefully and satisfy yourself that any cover provided is relevant to the vehicle you are hiring from Yorkshire Vehicle Hire
21. In the event of an accident
You must:
notify the police;
get the names and addresses of everyone involved, including witnesses;
note the registration numbers, make and model of the vehicles involved;
obtain details of the insurers of any third parties;
if possible and appropriate, photograph the scene, the vehicles and damage;
make the vehicle secure;
notify Yorkshire Vehicle Hire as soon as is practical.
We will ask you to complete our accident report form. Failure to provide third party details and a completed accident report form may result in liability for double the standard excess.
In the event that the vehicle can not be driven after an accident, a replacement or substitute vehicle is not assured.
For the avoidance of doubt, you accept that we will not be liable to pay any compensation or cover other losses or expenses as a result of an accident, subject otherwise to the terms, exceptions and conditions of this Hire Agreement and our Conditions of Insurance.
22. Breakdown
In the event of a breakdown:
Refer to RAC Breakdown form in vehicle
26. Cancellation or termination
You may cancel your booking at any time by giving notice in writing, by e-mail, or by phone which will take effect on the date we acknowledge it to you.
In the event of a cancellation or termination, one of the following applies:
90 days or more prior to the Hire Period: Full Refund
Between 89 and 30 days prior to the Hire Period: 50% Refund
Less than 30 days prior to the Hire Period: No Refund
Any entitlement to a refund less than 90 days prior to the hire period is subject to a Booking Fee of £150.
Before you enter into this Agreement you may wish to consider taking out separate travel insurance to cover you for costs incurred in the event of a cancellation.